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2Bad (SWI), Convoy (SWI)
Presented by Rockfact Music Club & IRON-T21
Rockfact Music Club, Münchenstein,  Switzerland – 03.09.2022
Summer said goodbye and made way for autumn. I.e. cooler temperatures and more stays indoors at metal or rock concerts. The autumn season of IRON- T21 began after the summer break and presented the first concert with the Swiss bands 2Bad and Convoy. A varied, musical program that piqued my interest and I attended this gig. Small venues like Rockfact Music Club deserve support. The instrumental progressive metal band Convoy was given the honor to open the evening. At 8:30 pm the trio from Basel was on stage. Their sound is a mixture of hard rock, funk and metal. An opportunity to present their debut "Riptide", the current work "Sagittarius A*" and new songs to the audience. Besides, a premiere in the history of this association because no
no instrumental metal band played at their events before. "Meteor (Dust Of Wirtanen)" opened the appearance. Guitarist Andrea Tonni showed his dexterity on the guitar and was fully inmersed in it. Bassist Jürg Vosbeck added the groove and was responsible for the rhythm with drummer Filip Wolfensberger. The songs were presented in a varied and exciting way. Calm parts alternated with harder parts. With "Perception/Illusion", "FSG" and "Driven by Despair" three new songs from the upcoming album "Perception /Illusion" were presented. After 50 minutes Andrea, Jürg and Filip said goodbye to the audience and received applause.   Setlist Convoy Meteor (Dust Of Wirtanen) Rising Citrodora Perception/Illusion Fire in the Hole Totem Caravan FSG Driven by Despair Influenza Then it was time for 2Bad on 10 pm. An intro sounded and the band from Bern started with "Waiting For The Night". Singer Daniel Brönnimann convinced with a strong vocal performance and reminded a bit of former Queensrÿche singer Geoff Tate. Guitarist Steve Businger put himself in the scene with guitar solos. The background singers Denise Schwab- Businger and Karin Schürch were convincing in the back. During "Gain Domain" they were allowed to step out, shine with their vocals and enjoy the spotlight. Usually bassist Dan Grossenbacher (Bad Ass Romance, China) would‘ve been there, but he didn’t make it that night and was replaced by Nick Moser. This didn‘t diminish the quality in the least, as he fulfilled his role with flying colors. Keyboardist Vito Rettenmund created a buzz with a solo in "Man on The Silver Mountain". Every note was right during the performance and guitar/bass duels between Steve and Nick occured. Besides own songs, classics like "Headless Cross" by Black Sabbath and "When A Blind Man Cries", "Burn" by Deep Purple followed. After "Natural Groove" the members wanted to leave the stage but the forces weren‘t yet dried up in the audience and therefore encores were demanded. For this reason they returned to the stage and fulfilled the audience's wish with "Mistreated" and the Deep Purple song "Hush" as a finale. Afterwards they received a lot of applause for their great performance that night. 100 minutes with a lot of energy and joy satisfied the audience. Setlist 2Bad Waiting For The Night September Do It Right Man On The Silver Mountain Live Wire Headless Cross Riversong Gain Domain Burn When A Blind Man Cries Traces In The Sand Wasted Aiming High Natural Groove Mistreated Hush Some stayed after the concert and the venue closed its doors at 1 am. Another beautiful evening that will resonate for some time. The good sound was provided by Jerry Thomas Ferrat and 2Bad mixer Marcel behind the controllers. Livereport by Dominic Latscha